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By physician assistant • June 21, 2019 • 1 Comment
Body sculpting is the most popular non-invasive method used to potentially reduce areas of body fat permanently. Body sculpting is typically useful for several different areas including: love handles, thighs, muffin tops, and saddle bags. Body sculpting can be used to help eliminate pockets of fat. Body sculpting does not result in weight loss, but it has been shown to remove fat from areas where diet and exercise has been unsuccessful. It can also be used to either kick-start or end a weight loss program to help drop several inches and pants sizes. Interested in losing weight. Read about our weight loss shot here: The Weight Loss Shot.
There are currently only 2 different body sculpting machines that are able to destroy fat cells permanently. CoolSculpting works by freezing fat and Vanquish ME uses radiofrequency to destroy fat cells by heating. In a previous article, BTL Vanquish ME™ vs CoolSculpting® read more here as we compare these two permanent methods of body sculpting. Another popular type of body sculpting is called EMS Sculpting. EMS sculpting, also known as Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation, is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses high-intensity electromagnetic pulses to induce intense muscle contractions. Vanquish ME and EMS sculpting are both offered here at VIP health and Laser Clinic.
This type of body sculpting uses electromagnetic pulses which are delivered directly to the targeted muscle group, causing them to contract at a frequency and intensity that cannot be achieved through voluntary exercise. These contractions stimulate muscle growth and fat burning. Treatments typically last for 30 minutes and are repeated over a series of sessions. Benefits include fat reduction in targeted areas, such as the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. It is able to build and tone muscle tissue. It improves muscle definition and body contour. Results are semi-permanent, non-invasive and requires no downtime.
Here are some of the results we have been getting with our machines:
The Vanquish ME body sculpting machine performs a painless treatment for 45 minutes over a large area of the abdomen, back, or thighs. You will remain still during the procedure. You can move a little up and down or side to side to adjust your position and help the machine warm the body fat more evenly. Maintain communication with the technician so they can confirm you are in a good position for the treatment at all times.
As described on the Doctors Show, this machine uses unrivaled selective radio-frequency to target and eliminate fat cells by causing apoptosis (fat cell death). The technology of the Vanquish Me is designed to heat up the skin to 101 degrees and the underlying fat to 120 degrees. The rest of the body remains unharmed with no side effects or downtime, other than a warming sensation during treatment. It takes several weeks for the body’s lymphatic system to rid the body of the dead fat cells. Therefore, it is suggested to drink 1 gallon of water daily to help flush out the broken down fat cells.
The ideal number of treatments depend on how many inches and how much bodyfat you would like removed. Typically, 4 treatments provide a significant difference in before and after comparisons, but 6 treatments is more ideal. You may continue the treatments after 6 if you continue to achieve good results. We advise doing 6 treatments with Vanquish ME, wait 8 weeks, then assess the response with your measurements. If you have achieved your desired results, you are done. If you are looking for more additional fat reduction, treatments can be continued weekly until you achieve your desired results as long as you continue to respond.
The Vanquish ME machine will heat up the subcutaneous fat of the treatment area. The machine uses targeted heat under the skin’s surface to kill fat cells deep within. The area will become warm but not hot. If you feel a burning sensation or if it feels hot on the surface of the skin, let your technician know to adjust the machine. Perspiration around the midsection is common. The treatment with Vanquish ME should never hurt. The treatment area should feel warm evenly throughout. The warmth should feel equal on both sides, top and bottom. If the machine is warming one side more than another, let us know to adjust it.
Drink water before, during, and after your session, as if you are working out. The body needs water to help eliminate the broken down fat cells. To achieve the best results, stay well hydrated daily with 3 quarts to 1 gallon of water per day for 3 days prior to and during the course of your treatments to facilitate this process. If you have any history of kidney, liver or heart disease, avoid drinking excess water.
Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing for your treatment. Workout clothes, spandex, t-shirts, gym pants or shorts would work well. Please do not get up in the middle of the treatment. The machine will pause every 15 minutes in case you need a bathroom break or if you need to do something important. Metal jewelry will need to be removed, so consider not wearing any for your appointment.
Bring something to do or read during the treatments such as a favorite book, brain games, rubik’s cube or magazine. Measurements, weight, body part photos, and bodyfat percentage will be taken before the 1st session and after the treatments. Vanquish ME causes interference with electronic devices. We advise against using cellphones and other electronic devices during the procedure.
Only fat cells are targeted during the treatment. These cells will die off permanently with a process called apoptosis. An estimated 30% of fat cells are destroyed. The treatment is extremely selective for heating only fat tissue. It does not affect any surrounding body structures such as muscles, bones or blood vessels.
Your technician will provide you with the knowledge needed to help you lose weight. Basic counseling will be provided during your treatment. Follow a 1200 calorie diet or ketogenic diet, “keto diet.” The full VIP Weight Loss Program is an additional cost but adds highly detailed one on one intensive weight management services.
Loss of the fat is permanent but many enhance the results by adhering to an effective diet and exercise regimen. You may continue your previous exercise program after Vanquish ME. The fat cells that remain in place have the ability to shrink or swell. Therefore, it is important to maintain your results by not gaining weight. Exercise allows you to maintain your lean body mass (muscle tissue). It also promotes the loss of fat and prevents the remaining fat cells from enlarging. If you lower your caloric intake to lose weight, your metabolic rate slows down. Exercise keeps your metabolism higher as you cut those calories.
You will start seeing some results within 2 weeks. The body takes time to excrete the dead fat cells once they are damaged by radiofrequency. Over the course of 6-8 weeks, many fat cells will dissipate, and the results will be fully noticeable.
The fat is eliminated and does not regrow. You will have a newly sculpted body shape. However, if you gain weight, this weight will be distributed evenly over your new body proportions. Research that looked at the treated areas again after 4 years showed that the cells did not grow back. They were permanently removed.
The procedure typically costs $500-700 on average, the same as CoolSculpting. VIP Health and Laser Clinic in Gainesville, FL is the only local practice offering the treatment and currently has a special introductory rate of $300 per session. This is only one half the cost of CoolSculpting. There is also on option to buy 6 treatments for the price of 5.