1155 NW 13TH ST, Gainesville, FL 32601
All FDA Approved Devices. Newest Laser TechnologyTHE BEST LASER HAIR REMOVAL PACKAGES!
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Body hair is an everyday problem that just about everyone experiences. Women constantly need to shave their legs or go for waxing. Waxing is a bit painful when it rips the roots of the hair out. We spend so much free time and money on shaving. Shaving does not hurt but ingrown hairs result in red bumps and skin infections. Electrolysis is painful method to get rid of the hair permanently and is quite time consuming. Maybe you like to pluck each hair out one by one. Plucking can be torture, plus this often causes dark pigmentation because skin becomes inflamed after hair is ripped out! Men constantly need to shave their face and then by the end of the day the 5 o’clock stubble comes back. Then there are these frustrating in-grown hairs around the neck causing ugly looking and painful red bumps.
With the newest FDA approved technology available for laser hair removal, all other hair removal options will soon be obsolete. Old school methods will be gone forever in the coming years. Razors, waxing, Nair, electrolysis, shavers, and epilators were the only options that we used to have. The new solution is the affordable luxury, laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is safe, effective and virtually painless.
Laser hair removal is accomplished by specific wavelength of concentrated light. The energy from the laser is absorbed by the dark color of the hair in the follicle or the blood supply. This pigment in the hair is called melanin. The laser selectively targets this melanin and burns the hair down to the root. Some lasers are attracted to the hemoglobin and disrupts the blood supply. This kills the hair follicle and prevents the hair from growing again. The skin is not affected much by the laser because the laser selectively targets melanin. Lasers are now safe on any color skin as long as the hair is light brown, or darker in color. Red hair is harder to remove, but reduction is still possible. If you have hair that has some brown or black color in it, you are an excellent candidate for laser hair removal.
We now use the newest candela lasers for all laser hair removal procedures. Our candela lasers have the latest painless cooling technology. We use different wavelengths that are adjusted for your skin and hair type. Our laser wavelengths include Alexandrite, nd:YAG, and diode wavelengths. All of these can be used on lighter skin, darker-haired individuals. The Alexandrite wavelength works best on light skin with red, dirty blonde, or light brown hair. What about those with darker skin? Darker skin individuals need to be treated with a either an nd:YAG or diode laser. Our nd:YAG wavelength in the Candela Gentlemax Pro is the safest and most effective laser for African American, Indian, and Hispanic individuals.
If you have a very light gray, blonde, light red, or white hair, unfortunately there isn’t any laser available that works well for hair removal. If you’re not sure, come in for a free consultation then we can do a spot test. If your light brown to dark hair is starting to turn gray, it is suggested to get your hair removal done as soon as possible. Once your hair turns lighter in color, the laser may not be able to remove it.
When you make an appointment at VIP Health and Laser, your painless laser hair removal will be guided by a physician assistant with 18 years of experience. Our providers are specifically trained in medicine and laser procedures. Don’t be bashful about the procedure. Your privacy and confidentiality will be highly respected. The treatment will be handled in a relaxing professional environment. Our initial clinic consultation is free, and you will be provided a detailed skin and health screening. We will assess your Fitzpatrick skin type. Here is a basic scale used for determining your Fitzpatrick skin type, but we use a much more complex questionnaire to determine this accurately.
Skin Type | Unexposed Skin Color | Reaction to Sun Exposure* |
I | White | Always burns, never tans |
II | White | Always burns, minimal tan |
III | White to Olive | Burns minimally, gradually tans |
IV | Light Brown | Burns minimally, tans well |
V | Brown | Very rarely burns, tans profusely |
VI | Dark Brown to Black | Never burns, tans deeply |
* After the first one hour of sun exposure on untanned skin on the first day of spring.
Credits: Table adapted from uptodate.com Accessed 5/8/2018
The laser is able to kill the hair follicles that are actively growing at the time of treatment. This is known as the anagen phase of hair growth. About 1/3 of the hairs at any one point are in the anagen phase. This means that treatments need to be done about every six weeks to laser as many hairs as possible in that growth phase. Every treatment on average results in about 25% permanent hair loss. Each area needs to be treated 4 or 5 times to achieve 80% permanent hair loss. There is no guarantee for 100% permanent hair loss, but the hairs left over will be much thinner and less noticeable than before.
Laser hair removal is well tolerated in all areas due to the cryogen cooling technology in the candela lasers. The only exception may be laser hair removal for the Brazilian area. Laser hair removal for this area of the body can produce more discomfort than other areas. There are a few clients that use the option of numbing cream to make the procedure as easy as possible, but most do not need it. There is a higher concentration of thicker hair and the laser energy is absorbed more, resulting in a more sensitive experience. You might ask, “Is it still worth getting laser hair removal in this area?” Hundreds of patients have told us “yes!” but they usually say this only after they are done! LOL!
VIP Health and Laser uses the Candela GentleMax Pro which is FDA approved for hair removal. It is considered the gold standard for hair removal. This machine uses very cold air to cool the skin just as pulses of light are delivered to the follicles to destroy them. This laser is painless for most clients. It is extremely effective, and adjustable to all dark and light skin types. This laser has been described to feel like mild pinpricks, but most feel the cold air blast but otherwise little to nothing at all. It safely treats all skin types. The GentleMax Pro treats areas faster than most other lasers. A full back can be treated within 15 minutes.