1155 NW 13TH ST, Gainesville, FL 32601
All FDA Approved Devices. Newest Laser TechnologyTHE BEST LASER HAIR REMOVAL PACKAGES!
PRICES BELOW: Click "Book Online," Call or Text
Contacting Us: By calling or texting our number 800-410-1678, customers agree to receive text messages. If you no longer wish to receive text messages, you may opt out at any time by replying “STOP”. Information submitted to us is held in strictest confidence. We do not give out, exchange, barter, rent, sell, lend, or disseminate any information about applicants or clients who apply for or actually receive our services. Any information you send or communicate to us is considered confidential.
I or (“I” meaning the person receiving the services) acknowledge and understand these terms when I prepare for and receive medical laser therapy or laser hair removal. All appointments and procedures are performed by a physician assistant supervised by a medical director. Medical lasers used for laser hair removal often require more than one treatment session. Most clients require about 4-6 treatments, and some may require as many as 8 treatments. The procedure will be performed with the Emvera Diolux diode laser which is FDA approved for laser hair removal.
Please note that we will be unable to perform laser therapy for the following conditions:
Sunscreen will need to be used and sun exposure avoided in the 2 weeks prior to the procedure. (Wash off the sunscreen before the treatment). Plan to be inside out of the sun for 2 weeks after the procedure. Remove spray tans 2 weeks prior to the treatment by gently scrubbing and exfoliating the spray tan. Remove lotion, sunscreen, and makeup before the session. Avoid plucking or waxing 30 days before and between all of the treatments.
The desired treatment areas will need to be shaved closely with a razor just prior to the treatment which is best done by the client at home just before coming in (no longer than 24 hours before). The skin should be rinsed clean of lotions prior to the appointment. The Emvera Diolux uses pulses of laser energy to treat each area. The setting may be changed depending on the area needed to be treated. The laser uses a cooling tip during treatment to improve skin comfort. The time for treatment will be 5 to 20 minutes per area.
You may experience short term effects such as reddening, bumps, mild burning, swelling, temporary bruising or blistering. Any redness will typically fade within 2 to 3 days and edema (swelling) may last for 2-3 hours. . A rare complication of hyperpigmentation which is browning of the skin or hypopigmentation which is lightning on the skin might occur. This condition generally lasts for 3 to 6 months. Rarely, a permanent color change or scarring may occur in less than 1% of clients.
The treated area may feel like sunburn after treatment, and some darkening or peeling may be normal. Improper care of the treated area may increase the chance of scarring or skin textural changes. Antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone 1%, or Aloe Vera gel may be used for a few days after treatment. I have been informed that scarring, blistering, purpura, hypo-pigmentation (lightening of the skin) or hyper-pigmentation (darkening of the skin) are possible risks and complications of this procedure, and may occur up to two weeks from the treatment.
I understand that avoiding exposure to sun for two weeks pre and post treatment is necessary to avoid complications. If complications occur, they are usually temporary and can be resolved, but skin discoloration may be permanent. If hyperpigmentation occurs, a bleaching cream may be prescribed to reduce the pigmentation. I will contact VIP Health and Laser if I suspect that a complication is developing. I consent to the taking of photographs during the course of my therapy for the purpose of medical education and /or the professional evaluation of treatment progress. I understand that my identity will not be revealed on these photographs or corresponding text.
If you have a history of Herpes Simplex viral infections, laser treatment may stimulate a recurrence. Otherwise, it is quite unusual to experience an infection from bacteria fungus or virus. If an infection occurs, topical or oral antibiotics may be required.
Be aware that cosmetic preparations and their preservatives may cause allergic reactions. Avoid irritating cosmetics on treatment areas. Consult the hair removal practitioner if any of the above mentioned conditions persist.
I will need to notify the laser technician if I have started any new medications or supplements since my last treatment. I understand there is a long list of medications that can make skin photosensitive (susceptible to light or sun damage). This gives the skin a higher risk of developing skin damage from laser therapy. I will need to discontinue all photosensitive medications and supplements two weeks prior to treatment. I will discuss all of my medications with my pharmacist or the laser technician prior to laser treatment.
Occasionally, appointments might need to be rescheduled due to on for seen circumstances with equipment or scheduling. Please do not make appointments for less than 24 hours in advance. Please call us to do this. Appointments need to be cancelled more than 24 hours in advance.
There are no refunds or returns for services previously performed under any circumstances. All refunds or credits to clients are provided by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner on a case by case basis. If treatments are purchased in advance, and not all of the treatments are required, the client may request a refund or a credit to perform laser treatments for other areas of the body based on current pricing. If a refund or credit is approved by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner, the refund or credit can be requested for up to 1 year only from the date of purchase. The client may request to use the credit for treatments not performed for other clinic services on a case by case basis if approved by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner.
By accepting services at VIP Health and Laser, you must accept the following conditions as a client:
There are no refunds or returns for services or appointments already previously performed in the past under any circumstances whatsoever. All refunds or credits to clients are provided by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner on a case by case basis. If treatments are purchased in advance, and not all of the treatments are required, the client may request either 1) a refund, or 2) a credit, to perform laser treatments or other services for other areas of the body based on current pricing. If a refund or credit is approved by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner, the refund or credit can be requested for up to 1 year from the date of purchase. The client may request to use the credit for treatments not performed for other clinic services on a case by case basis if approved by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner. Payment for future services will be refunded if a client is no longer physically able to receive the services, or if the services are no longer available.
Review the following instructions before and after the procedure. If you have any further questions, please contact us.
What to do before Laser Hair Removal, Step by Step!
What to do after Laser Hair Removal
By accepting services provided by VIP Health and Laser, I or (“I” meaning the person receiving the services), the undersigned, hereby request and consent to the services provided within the scope of practice afforded by licensed healthcare professionals and clinical staff members of VIP Health and Laser, Gainesville, FL.
If I opt for this procedure, I understand that Weight Loss service is utilized for reducing body weight and improving body composition. Vanquish ME body sculpting is used for eliminating areas of fat. Body sculpting does not result in weight loss, but it can remove fat from areas where diet and exercise has been unsuccessful. It can also be used for either kick-starting or ending a weight loss program to drop several inches and pants sizes. I need to remain still for 45 minutes during the procedure. I can move a little up and down or side to side to adjust position and help the machine warm the body fat more evenly. Maintain communication with the technician so they can confirm you are in a good position for the treatment at all times. The area will become warm but not hot. If I feel a burning sensation or if it feels hot on the surface of the skin, I will let the technician know to adjust the machine.
Vanquish ME Consent: If I opt for this procedure, I will drink water before, during, and after your session, as if working out. The body needs water to help eliminate the broken down fat cells. Stay well hydrated daily during the course of your treatments to facilitate this process. I will wear comfortable loose fitting clothing for treatment. Workout clothes, spandex, t-shirts, gym pants or shorts would work well. I will not get up during the middle of the treatment. The machine will pause every 15 minutes in case bathroom break needed or if I need to do something important. My measurements, body part photos, bodyfat percentage and weight will be taken before the 1st session and after the treatments.
Vanquish ME Consent: If I opt for this procedure, I understand that the loss of the fat is permanent but I may enhance the results by adhering to an effective diet and exercise regimen. I can continue my previous exercise program after Vanquish ME. It is important to maintain results by not gaining weight. Exercise helps maintain lean body mass (muscle tissue) and promotes the loss of fat. Exercise can prevent the remaining fat cells from enlarging. If you lower your caloric intake to lose weight, your metabolic rate slows down. Use exercise to keep your metabolism higher as you cut calories. I understand that I will start seeing some results within 2 weeks. The body takes time to excrete the dead fat cells once they are damaged by radiofrequency. Over the course of 6-8 weeks, many fat cells will dissipate, and the results will be fully noticeable.
Medical care at VIP Health and Laser, Gainesville, FL provides wellness guidance for optimum health. All appointments are provided by a physician assistant and supervised by a medical director. Programs are custom designed to achieve your personal health goals. We utilize the top research in medicine, nutrition, nutraceuticals, and exercise to form the treatment plan. We take findings from history and physical exam, dietary habits, medications, laboratory testing, and lifestyle habits to provide you with the highest probability of success. This service is not covered by insurance.
Medical Care Services Overview
• Free initial 15 minute consultation with practitioner at first contact with a new patient.
• Review of medical history and previously completed labs and tests.
• Physical exam
• Lab testing at wholesale rates
• Research-evidence-based vitamin, herb, and food supplementation (supplements available at additional cost).
• Intensive Wellness Medicine services and counseling offered far beyond what health insurance and Medicare covers.
• Cell phone, email, and text provider access for non-urgent issues 9-5 regular business hours (please allow up to 6 hours for reply). Urgent concerns for your personal health call 24 hours, 7 days.
• Detailed dietary modification with extensive nutritional interventions and incorporation of specific foods for desired health goals.
• Research-evidence based vitamins, herbs, and supplements to reach specific health goals.
• Exercise program for optimizing desired health goals
By accepting services provided by VIP Health and Laser, I or (“I” meaning the person receiving the services), the undersigned, hereby request and consent to the services provided within the scope of practice afforded by licensed healthcare professionals and clinical staff members of Concierge Wellness Program at VIP Health and Laser, Gainesville, FL. I or my legal representative understand that any recommendations and care received at Concierge Wellness Program at VIP Health and Laser, Gainesville, FL are supportive to your care needs, but do not substitute for regular medical care. I understand that I must continue to see my regular treating healthcare providers as directed by them and take my regular medications as prescribed. VIP Health and Laser, Gainesville, FL charges a fee for contract services and will not bill insurance even if services described here are billable with insurance. Signing this contract is for intensive supplemental healthcare in addition to your other medical insurance policies. If you desire only basic services covered by health insurance, please do not sign this contract.
I hereby acknowledge and agree as follows:
1. I acknowledge that I am entering into an agreement with Concierge Wellness Program at VIP Health and Laser, Gainesville, FL to provide the services specified herein to me within the desired contract period of 1 year.
2. I acknowledge and agree that this agreement has not been entered into at a time when I am facing an emergency or an urgent health care situation.
3. The services provided to me may include:
a. Evaluation of patient medical history, lifestyle, and previous laboratory and other previous test results;
b. Physical examination as indicated to be necessary and lab diagnostic testing at wholesale rates for the contract period;
c. Medical recommendations and management for disease prevention and healthy aging, which may include: nutrition, nutritional supplementation, exercise, lifestyle behaviors, stress management, hormone replacement therapy, and other interventions as indicated by medical history, physical examination and laboratory parameters.
4. I or my legal representative understand that I have the right to question any therapy proposed and/or provided by VIP Health and Laser, and that all of my questions will be answered prior to receiving such treatment. I or my legal representative understand that I have not been and will not be given a guarantee of beneficial or specific results. I affirm that I have and will always, to the best of my ability, disclose my complete current and past medical history to VIP Health and Laser. I understand this history is essential for VIP Health and Laser to assess and provide competent care to me. I understand that the treatment I receive from VIP Health and Laser and its health care professionals is in large part based upon my disclosures to them.
5. I have the right to revoke this Consent and contract after the specified contract service period. The service period can be extended annually with recurrent annual billing. There are no refunds for services provided.
6. I understand that I am responsible for full payment of services when they are rendered. VIP Health and Laser will not bill my insurance company and I understand that my tax-deductible health plan will not reimburse me for services provided.
7. I or my legal representative understand that VIP Health and Laser and Matthew Obal, MS, PA-C are not excluded from any health insurance plans, but VIP Health and Laser services are not covered by insurance and I am financially responsible for all professional services, regardless of insurance coverage.
8. I or my legal representative understand that if I have insurance or Medicare, these services will not be covered nor will they be billed for our services. I understand that third party insurance, commercial insurance or Medicare rates and coverage are much different than VIP Health and Laser services.
9. I or my legal representative agree not to submit a claim to third party insurance, commercial insurance or Medicare for services offered as part of this contract or to ask VIP Health and Laser to submit a claim to third party insurance, commercial insurance or Medicare. I or my legal representative understand that third party insurance, commercial insurance or Medicare payment will not be made for any services offered as part of this contract.
10. I agree that I am entering into this contract with the knowledge that I have the right to obtain third party insurance, commercial insurance or Medicare covered items and services. I have not been compelled to enter into this private contract.
11. I or my legal representative understands that third party insurance, commercial insurance or Medicare health plans do not, and that other supplemental plans may elect not to, make payments for services offered as part of this contract.
12. The supplements included may not have been adequately evaluated for their effects on differing patient populations. Companies producing these supplements may contain extreme variability in the concentration of the desired ingredients within their products. Products should be purchased with standardization whenever possible. Most supplements have not been researched in patients with specific diagnoses, children, pregnant patients, and patients while breastfeeding. Therefore, unless the treatment has been researched in these patient populations, the treatment should never be used by them.
13. The information here has not been designed to substitute care of a primary care provider, but it is intended to assist and supplement this care. Medical care at VIP Health and Wellness is provided as an intensive supplemental care plan to guide and enhance wellness with specific interventions in medicine, exercise, nutrition, and nutraceuticals.
High Energy Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) a.k.a. (Soundwave) Treatment for Musculoskeletal Pain
I authorize a trained ESWT technician to performed ESWT on the affected areas. I understand that this therapy is non-invasive and uses high energy sound waves to treat painful spots in the joints, ligaments and tendons. The therapy is used for a variety of acute or chronic musculoskeletal conditions. The treatment will be provided by a trained ESWT specialist trained to do these type of treatment. The treatment will be performed with an Orthospec™ device manufactured by Medispec and cleared by the FDA. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) produces energy that promotes regeneration and repair processes of the bones , tendons and other soft tissues. ESWT is able to break up scar tissue, remove calcifications, and improve blood flow vital for the healing process. If I opt for this procedure, I understand it is usually temporary, but there can be an increase in pain during and after the procedure.
I confirm that I do not have any of these contraindications for the procedure: 1) Pregnancy, 2) Bleeding disorders (use of blood thinners or hemophilia), 3) Blood clotting disorders (deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism), 4) Steroid injection within the last 6 weeks, 6) Tumors or cancer at the treatment site, 7) Pacemaker placement, 8) Infection or open wound, 9) Under 18 years of age, 10) Treatment over an air filled area such as lungs or abdomen. I authorize the administration of topical and/or local anesthetic advisable for comfort, well-being or safety.
I authorize a trained ESWT technician to performed ESWT on the affected areas. I understand that this therapy is non-invasive and uses high energy sound waves to treat painful spots in the joints, ligaments and tendons. The therapy is used for a variety of acute or chronic musculoskeletal conditions. The treatment will be provided by a trained ESWT specialist trained to do these type of treatment. The treatment will be performed with an Orthospec™ device manufactured by Medispec and cleared by the FDA. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) produces energy that promotes regeneration and repair processes of the bones , tendons and other soft tissues. ESWT is able to break up scar tissue, remove calcifications, and improve blood flow vital for the healing process. If I opt for this procedure, I understand it is usually temporary, but there can be an increase in pain during and after the procedure.
I confirm that I do not have any of these contraindications for the procedure: 1) Pregnancy, 2) Bleeding disorders (use of blood thinners or hemophilia), 3) Blood clotting disorders (deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism), 4) Steroid injection within the last 6 weeks, 6) Tumors or cancer at the treatment site, 7) Pacemaker placement, 8) Infection or open wound, 9) Under 18 years of age, 10) Treatment over an air filled area such as lungs or abdomen. I authorize the administration of topical and/or local anesthetic advisable for comfort, well-being or safety.
Low Energy Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) a.k.a. (Soundwave) Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction.
I authorize a trained ESWT technician to performed ESWT on the affected areas. I understand that this therapy is non-invasive and uses low energy sound waves to treat erectile dysfunction. The treatment will be provided by a trained ESWT therapist. Low energy shockwave therapy uses non-invasive low-intensity sound waves. These sound waves pass through erectile tissue. They have the ability to restore natural erectile function by clearing plaque out of blood vessels and encouraging the growth of new blood vessels. I understand that there can be an increase in pain, bruising, loss of sensation, or swelling during and after the procedure.
I confirm that I do not have any of these contraindications for the procedure: 1) Bleeding disorders (use of blood thinners or hemophilia), 2) Steroid injection within the last 6 weeks, 3) Tumors or cancer at the treatment site, 4) Sexually transmitted disease, skin lesions, infection or open wound, 5) Under 18 years of age, 6) Sickle cell disease or priapism. 7) Neuropathy associated with diabetes, 8) Cortisone therapy within the previous 6 weeks.
I have disclosed a history of any penile disorders or past treatments to the medical staff. I authorize the administration of topical and/or local anesthetic advisable for comfort, well-being or safety. I understand that the FDA has not approved ESWT for use on the penis in the United States.
I authorize a trained ESWT technician to performed ESWT on the affected areas. I understand that this therapy is non-invasive and uses low energy sound waves to treat erectile dysfunction. The treatment will be provided by a trained ESWT therapist. Low energy shockwave therapy uses non-invasive low-intensity sound waves. These sound waves pass through erectile tissue. They have the ability to restore natural erectile function by clearing plaque out of blood vessels and encouraging the growth of new blood vessels. I understand that there can be an increase in pain, bruising, loss of sensation, or swelling during and after the procedure.
I confirm that I do not have any of these contraindications for the procedure: 1) Bleeding disorders (use of blood thinners or hemophilia), 2) Steroid injection within the last 6 weeks, 3) Tumors or cancer at the treatment site, 4) Sexually transmitted disease, skin lesions, infection or open wound, 5) Under 18 years of age, 6) Sickle cell disease or priapism. 7) Neuropathy associated with diabetes, 8) Cortisone therapy within the previous 6 weeks. I have disclosed a history of any penile disorders or past treatments to the medical staff. I authorize the administration of topical and/or local anesthetic advisable for comfort, well-being or safety. I understand that the FDA has not approved ESWT for use on the penis in the United States.
I affirm that I have read or have had read, and fully understand the information contained in this agreement. I have been advised of the risks and benefits of the services provided to me, and I have had the opportunity to ask questions regarding services. I understand this Consent covers the entire course of treatment provided by VIP Health and Laser. I understand the risks and give permission for Concierge Wellness treatments for the complete treatment course and up to 1 year from signing date. I understand that adverse reactions can occur. I affirm that I have read or have had read, and fully understand the information contained in this agreement. I understand this Consent covers the entire course of treatment provided by VIP Health and Laser. We take all or our clients seriously and make every effort to provide VIP service for everyone. We need to fit everyone in our schedule and keep everything running as a “well oiled machine.” If appointments are cancelled in less than 24 hours in advance, or the client is a “no-show” we impose a $30 inconvenience fee, no exceptions.
There are no refunds or returns for services or appointments already previously performed in the past under any circumstances whatsoever. All refunds or credits to clients are provided by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner on a case by case basis. If treatments are purchased in advance, and not all of the treatments are required, the client may request either 1) a refund, or 2) a credit, to perform laser treatments for other areas of the body based on current pricing. If a refund or credit is approved by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner, the refund or credit can be requested for up to 1 year from the date of purchase. The client may request to use the credit for treatments not performed for other clinic services on a case by case basis if approved by VIP Health and Laser administrator or owner. Payment for future services will be refunded if a client is no longer physically able to receive the services, or if the services are no longer available.
If you have any further questions, please contact us.