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Concierge Medicine is also known as a VIP Medical Care. This means 24/7 access to a physician assistant, same day appointments, plus longer visits. Traditional care is great for acute problems but fails to help chronic ailments. Dr Dean Ornish proved lifestyle change allows coronary heart disease to regress. We now know that diabetes type 2 is caused by weight gain and poor dietary choices over time resulting in insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Unfortunately, many physicians have not taken the time to explain to their patients that many chronic diseases including coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and many others can actually be prevented or cured by addressing the underlying cause.
Our approach at VIP Health and Laser Clinic is to not only manage acute medical problems, but also to address lifestyle choices, prevention and treatment of chronic disease. More specifically, each program incorporates nutrition, supplements, exercise, and medication if needed to prevent, stabilize, control, and/or reverse the course of your health condition. The focus is to address the actual cause. As your condition improves, in many cases we have the ability to reduce medication with the goal to wean and discontinue it once your condition completely recovers.
VIP Concierge Wellness Programs are custom designed to achieve your personal health goals. We utilize over 20 years of experience in medicine, nutrition, nutraceuticals, and exercise science to form the treatment plan. We take findings from history and physical exam, dietary habits, medications, laboratory testing, and lifestyle habits to provide our clients with the highest probability of success.
We provide VIP Concierge Wellness counseling either onsite, on the phone or by remote video. The remote option is for clients nationwide unable to visit us on site. You will have ongoing personal contact with a PA who provides the service. You will need to choose one of the Concierge Medicine options to proceed. Medication can be prescribed to Florida Residents only. Remote counseling can be done nationwide but medication cannot be prescibed to those in other states.
We offer the following example goals which can be included in this program for overhauling your health. 1 on 1 counseling with our provider is part of the service and highly specific interventions focus on your desired health outcome:
Focus on improving your health with interventions focused on addressing the root cause of disease to safely reduce dependence on medications. We employ the use of intensive lifestyle counseling guidance wit nutrition, exercise, and nutraceuticals.
Work on the evidence based nutrition, exercise and nutraceutical interventions which lower cholesterol.
Utilize interventions which concentrate on specific foods, exercise, and supplements known to lower blood pressure significantly in randomized placebo controlled trials which can allow a reduction in BP medications. Read more…
We welcome you to discuss your diabetes with us during a no cost Concierge Wellness consultation. We provide the support you will need by focusing on very specific nutritional habits, weight loss, and improve your body’s use of insulin while learning how to prevent any spikes in blood sugar. Your doctor or diabetes educator has probably already set the foundation for a good start. Now the real work begins. Come in to discuss your chances of actually reversing your diabetes. If you really understand how diabetes can progress to result in higher likelihood of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and peripheral vascular disease, allow us to stabilize this disease process and change your life for the better. With hard work and time we have been fortunate to support patients in coming off insulin and have helped many eliminate diabetes medication.
Receive the help needed to control inflammation, pain, and support the injury for healing. If you provide the proper healing process for the injury, your chances of complete recovery are better. There is also a lower chance that the injury will result in chronic pain in the future.
Use custom designed training programs to meet your personal schedule and exercise habits. Exercise training will be specifically focused on the outcome you are looking for.
Focus on increasing your life expectancy by changing lifestyle and using the evidence that shows the reasons why certain people live longer than others. In order to increase the chances of living a long life, we focus on how to lower the risks of the main causes of death. Learn how to beat the test of time so that your friends and family will be jealous about how young you look.
Here at our clinic, you will receive the support needed to achieve a negative caloric balance safely and comfortably to result in significant weight loss. The 2 main options we provide for weight loss and improvement of body composition include 1) Ketogenic Weight Loss, and 2) Plant-Based Weight Loss. It is not easy to lose weight and maintain it, but we provide the necessary support for you to achieve your ideal body image.
For instance, reducing caloric intake lowers the metabolism as the body attempts to store more energy. In order to lose weight effectively, it is best to combine lower calories and exercise: consume less calories while exercising to maintain or increase metabolism. Metabolic rate and energy expenditure will be higher during and after any type of exercise. Another fact is that improving the body composition with higher muscle mass to body fat ratio allows more calories to be expended while at rest.
Learn how to relieve migraines and other headaches with interventions published in research. Most headaches are not serious and tend to come and go, but unfortunately are responsible for pain, suffering, and lost work. The VIP Concierge Wellness Programs also focus on non-pharmaceutical interventions for headache prevention require various lifestyle changes to reduce the number and duration of these episodes. There are multiple options to get rid of migraine headaches using lifestyle changes, medication, incorporating certain foods, eliminating certain foods, and by taking supplements.
Weight loss medications can have significant risks to your health. Take the option of losing weight completely naturally without phentermine, topiramate and other weight management medications. Receive the necessary support to improve body composition by promoting a negative caloric balance with strict lifestyle change and herbals. Allow us to provide the support you need with custom exercise and dietary programs individualized to your needs and health conditions.
Multiple lifestyle and herbal, and nutraceutical options are available to reduce the frequency of colds and their duration. Help yourself and your family prevent colds and flu.
Evidence shows that a larger volume of moderate intensity sets with resistance training has the greatest positive effect on muscular hypertrophy. A low percentage of supplements actually work in the way they claim to for building muscle. We only support the use of supplements with high quality research after the individual has optimized their training and diet. We will help you throw away the supplements that are a useless or a waste of money. We will promote your muscular development by helping you maximize training without overdoing it. Macronutrients are especially important to be used in the proper ratios. Learn what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong for building maximum muscle according to clinical trials.
We are able to achieve the best possible result for athletes in competition using nutritional guidance, exercise programs, supplements, and laser therapy. Athletes are always looking to find an competitive edge in sports to beat their opponents. Some research has shown performance enhancement by laser therapy when applied to large muscles either before or after exercise.Specific dietary preparation before a competition can drastically improve your time trials. Macronutrient ratios are especially important. Training excessively too soon before the race can be detrimental. Some promising supplements have been shown in clinical trials to lower competition times over placebo.
Cancer prevention focuses on dietary and lifestyle interventions associated with a lower incidence of many types of cancer. Custom interventions are designed for the individual based on their individual performance status, nutritional habits, family history, and medical history.
Allow us to help you enhance your cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association (AHA) states that ideal cardiovascular health should be obtained by targeting 7 behaviors that reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease or stroke. They include 4 core behaviors—no smoking, a normal body mass index (BMI), engaging in physical activity, and eating healthfully—and meeting at least 3 of the following criteria: cholesterol lower than 200 mg/dL, blood pressure lower than 120/80 mm Hg, not having diabetes, or being free of heart disease.
To assess the effects of meeting these targets on risk of death from cardiovascular disease, Artero and colleagues looked at data from the Aerobics Longitudinal Study, conducted in 11,993 patients between Oct. 9, 1987 and March 3, 1999. The authors found that those who met 3-4 of AHA’s “Simple Seven” heart-health criteria had a 55% lower risk of cardiovascular mortality than those who met no more than 2 of those practices over about 11 years. It was 63% lower for those who fulfilled five to seven of the ideal criteria compared with those with the lowest scores.
Data that shows that those supported in proper lifestyle habits are associated with reduction of heart disease, and a lower general incidence of cancer. Achieve more than just an absence of disease, but a state of optimal health with these VIP Concierge Wellness Programs.
Receive the support you need for improving your health using the specific foods needed to improve specific health conditions. Are you one of those that still believes nutrition is not that important? One example to show otherwise is a literature review of 206 human studies and 22 animal studies by Steinmetz, K. A. et al. The study showed that a high consumption of fruits and vegetables significantly decreased the cancer risk of the stomach, esophagus, lung, oral cavity, pharynx, endometrium, pancreas, and colon. The most protective foods against cancer included raw vegetables, followed by allium vegetables (onion, garlic), carrots, green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage), and tomatoes. This is one example from thousands of studies.
Many options are useful to help improve energy levels according to research. Short term fatigue is expected during periods of extreme exertion or stress, but chronic fatigue requires a medical evaluation with history, physical, and diagnostic testing. If one has experienced severe fatigue for 6 or more consecutive months that interferes with daily tasks, tiredness after activity lasting for over a day, or poor concentration, they may be experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome. VIP Concierge Wellness Programs are able to help you relieve this fatigue by addressing the cause.
There are a number of options which we provide to improve male performance. These include low energy shockwave treatment (a..k.a. Gaineswave), Trimix, the P-shot using platelet rich plasma, and supplements, and medications. The majority of supplements in the open market have proven to be useless. There are some with good research evidence. Sometimes a low testosterone level can result in erectile dysfunction which may require replacement. Testosterone may also be increased by at least 100 points, (100 ng/ml) with simple nutritional and lifestyle interventions.
During the transition to menopause typically in the mid-40s, a woman begins to experience hot flashes, insomnia, cognitive difficulty, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, painful intercourse, and low libido. Menstruation is often irregular at first and skips a few months. It occurs with lower frequency until menopause sets in. Menopause is defined as a lack of menstruation for 12 months which occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but on average, at the age of 51. The Women’s Health Initiative study found that for every 10,000 women using estrogen-progestin combination, 5 years of continuous use resulted in
The VIP Health and Laser Hormone Balance Program focuses on the data from the KEEPS study which did not show any increase in rates of heart disease, breast cancer, or stroke. This study used FDA approved hormone replacement in the natural forms of estradiol and progesterone. We will never use synthetic or animal derived hormone replacement. We will not use compounded preparations due to unpredictable absorption rates even if they are “bioidentical.” This program focuses on the use FDA approved hormone preparations, dietary, and lifestyle changes shown in research to improve mood, sexual health, energy levels, and many more aspects of life.
Are you concerned about Coronavirus cases in Gainesville FL spreading and looking to reduce the chances of complications from this viral infection? Are you frustrated with the frequent recurrence of colds? Over 90% of upper and lower respiratory infections are due to viruses. We will help you significantly reduce your chances of viral infections. We will also help reduce the severity of your viral infection symptoms and the duration of these symptoms. Our clinic will provide you with the support and guidance to improve your immune system using a specific customized plan.
You are not limited to the health goals mentioned above. Work to achieve any health goal with VIP Concierge Wellness Programs.