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By physician assistant • June 11, 2019 • Comments Off on What is a Normal Blood Pressure?
A normal blood pressure is still defined as 120/80 mmHg for adults. The upper number is systolic blood pressure and the lower number is diastolic blood pressure. Simply stated, a blood pressure higher than normal increases the risk of multiple cardiovascular diseases. For every 20 point increase in your systolic blood pressure, your risk of heart attack, heart failure, abnormal heart rhythm, stroke, and other diseases increases by 22% (1).
Systolic blood pressure is the top number or highest blood pressure when the heart is squeezing and pushing the blood around the body. Diastolic blood pressure is the bottom number or lowest blood pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between heart beats. Systolic BP is more important than diastolic blood pressure because it gives the best idea of the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Research shows that blood pressure of 180/120mmHg has a greater risk of stroke or heart attack than 180/100mmHg.
As you age, your normal blood pressure of 120/80 may increase to a state of prehypertension. This is a blood pressure between normal blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension. If blood pressure continues to increase, high blood pressure can set in unless you start taking action to improve it.
There are some cases where high blood pressure is an emergency. Hypertensive Urgency occurs when a diastolic blood pressure becomes 120 mmHg or higher but does not cause any symptoms or damage to organs. Malignant hypertension is characterized by a diastolic blood pressure over 100 mmHg with visual changes (blurred vision, double vision or vision loss), or altered mental status (confusion). Seek emergent medical care for hypertensive urgency or malignant hypertension.
One who has a blood pressure of 120/80 or lower should be screened for hypertension every year. If the systolic blood pressure is 120-129/80-85, one should be screened at least every 6 months. If the blood pressure is 130-139/80-90, one should be checked more often by a qualified healthcare provider and take action to lower blood pressure to 120/80. The recommended action to take by all medical authorities is to start lifestyle interventions. If systolic blood pressure continues to be between 120-139/80-90 or higher for the upper or the lower number, the commitment to lifestyle interventions is extremely important. You have a limited time (usually 3-6 months) to lower blood pressure by using changes in your diet, activity level and stress. Without comprehensive lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure, it can continue to increase and medication will be the next step.
Your doctor can start you on the right track. You will have a chance to follow the doctor’s advice. You might learn from your doctor to cut out salt, reduce intake of saturated fat, eat more vegetables, lose weight and start exercising. This is where the doctor’s advice often stops, but fails. It is not your fault, there is simply not enough support provided by traditional modern medicine. There are a few patients that succeed. They succeed because they make a commitment to become educated AND follow through with the correct lifestyle interventions.
Your doctor will give you a short time to start lowering high blood pressure with lifestyle changes. For the 95% of people who fail lifestyle intervention, blood pressure will continue to increase and medication will be advised. According to the Eighth Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment (JNC 8), medication is necessary for those over age 60 or older to keep systolic blood pressure under 150 and keep diastolic blood pressure under 90. For those under age 60, and/or those with diabetes or chronic kidney disease, medication will be needed to keep systolic blood pressure under 140 and keep diastolic blood pressure under 90.
Your doctor will lose faith in you if you are unable to lower blood pressure with lifestyle interventions using his or her advice. The doctor will then prescribe you one or more blood pressure medications for the rest of your life. By starting medication, it is an easy task for both you and the doctor. You will no longer need to eat healthy food or exercise. You will lower the risks of cardiovascular disease by improving your high blood pressure.
You will be subject to the many side effects of medications including:
• Cough
• Dizziness or lightheadedness
• Erectile dysfunction
• Diarrhea or constipation
• Feeling weak, tired, or a lack of energy
• Headache
• Nausea or vomiting.
VIP Health and Laser, Gainesville FL will provide specific comprehensive support needed to lower your blood pressure with a custom high blood pressure wellness program. High blood pressure is related to a higher than normal force of blood against vessel walls. Blood vessels lose the ability to dilate and contract with time. They become diseased and stiff with aging. This process did not start overnight and it will not be reversed overnight either. However, with some hard work and dedication, high blood pressure lowering can be achieved by eating specific types of foods, lowering salt intake, taking nutraceuticals, losing weight, and by exercising.
□ Step 1: Determine HTN diagnosis and stage. Follow BP morning and evening daily for 2 days. Average the 4 measurements to determine baseline BP and beginning stage. You are not a candidate if in HTN Urgency or Malignant HTN until HTN is controlled with medication. Consult a your primary care provider immediately or report to the nearest emergency room for HTN urgency or malignant HTN.
□ Step 2: Home BP Monitoring Protocol Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
□ Step 3: Add the Following Diet & Lifestyle Changes
• Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
• Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
• Implement the Proprietary Diet Plan by VIP Health and Laser
□ Step 4: Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
□ Step 5: Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
□ Step 6: Add Nutraceuticals Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser. Call the emergency response system or contact health care provider for any concerning BP or heart rate changes, if systolic BP drops 10 points or more on average compared to the baseline starting BP, if diastolic BP drops 5 points or more on average compared to baseline BP.
Tier 1 Nutraceuticals
A. Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
B. Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
C. Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
Tier 2 Nutraceuticals
A. Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
B. Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
C. Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
□ Step 7: Proprietary by VIP Health and Laser
Explore the various wellness programs available to reach your health goals at VIP Health and Laser Clinic in Gainesville, FL. Custom wellness programs are available for many health conditions. Fill out the proper intake form and schedule the no cost consultation to learn about your options.
If you are not ready to come in and see us for a free consultation to review your options, you can review more information here.
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